Our Services
We support employees, managers, leaders, owners, executive directors, and boards of directors. We provide human resource services, coaching, advice, and best practices that affect an organization’s success.
Human Resource Services
HR Compliance and Audit
HR Policy, Procedures, and Practices
Employee Handbooks - Development, Revisions, and Updates
Benefits review including total rewards and time off
Compensation review, research, and planning
Board Performance Reviews for Executives including staff feedback
Employee Relations - Handling difficult situations
Workplace investigations
Advice on HRIS and payroll systems
Outplacement ~ Layoffs ~Terminations
Sample HR forms and documents
Candidate Search and Recruitment Tailored to your needs
Meet with selection team to discuss the position.
Job Development and Description
Discuss the ideal match of skills, competencies, mindset and experience for the role.
Compensation analysis
Develop advertisement and promotional strategy
Target and search passive candidates - Network with industry professionals
Receive and review resumes.
Interview qualified candidates. One-on-one personalized contact in-person or via Zoom.
Communicate professionally to all candidates interviewed or rejected.
Provide local information for out-of-area candidates.
Track recruitment analytics
Write synopsis of candidates for hiring committee review and interview. Set up interview. Provide a rubric for rating and questions.
Coordinate the interview process with the candidates and the selection team.
Perform reference and background checks and if requested, administer testing.
Assist the selection team with the decision. Determine the offer and process with the selection team.
Communicate with the candidate during interim before start date and answer any questions.